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We’ve been the trusted source of authentic Polyspan for two decades for huge names
in the modeling community who have found us as the best quality and value for their
projects. See links at the bottom of the page for articles by these talented builders.
This is a perfect covering material for lightweight park flyer models to large, scale
models up to 80” or more. It weighs about the same as SG Silkspan, however, it is
much stronger and more resistant to puncture damage. It can be applied using Sig
STIX-It by pre-application to the framework then tacking down with a trim iron, then
following up with full ironing and shrinking taut with a heat gun. This is typically
followed with coats of clear Nitrate dope and can be finished, on lightweight models,
with as little as one coat of clear. Two to three coats of clear Nitrate dope will
completely seal the surface on electric models of all sizes. Other water based products
can be used in place of dope too.
A major difference between Polyspan and tissue or Silkspan is that you can remove
wrinkles before or after covering by simply applying heat near the surface. A huge
benefit of a model covered and painted with Polypsan over traditional heat shrink
covering is that it doesn’t wrinkle and peel over time. Polyspan is unaffected by
water, moisture, or humidity. It spans open structures perfectly and is intended
for both solid and open covering. It replaces ½ ounce fiberglass as a lighter and
stiffer covering option on sheeted surfaces. The only minor limitation is that it
doesn’t go around complex curving surfaces as easily as some materials such as tissue
or fiberglass, but it certainly does with patience and care.
Our two lengths of Polyspan (10’ and 20’) are 49” width for less waste and incredible
value. We fold it for shipping and be sure that you know the folds do not crease
or harm the product.
Be sure to search YouTube for tips in covering with Polyspan. You’ll find amazing
videos that show how fun and easy it is, and the excellent results. Be sure to read
Model Aviation magazine articles written by authors who are prolific builders of
beautiful small field flyers. Join and support the AMA today!! I’m a life member
Links to helpful Polyspan covering articles by industry pros: